Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blog Post #3

Peer Editing is very effective for educators, and their students as well.  As educators we must follow the proper guidelines to effectively edit our peers. There are 3 steps to peer editing. Step 1, give compliments to the writer. Discuss the positive of the paper. Step 2, give suggestions to the writer. Discuss the word choice, details, organization, sentences, and topic. Stay positive. Step 3, make corrections. Correct punctuation, grammar, sentences, and spelling. Remain positive as usual. 

Why is it important to provide meaningful feedback? 

It is important because we are educators and we need to be great writers in order to be successful as teachers. We will be required to write, grade, and edit our students' work. We need to learn from our peers because they are the same age(s) as we are. We help each other learn from our mistakes and correct them. With no feedback, then how would we know if the assignment meets the standards? It teaches us to care about others work, pay attention, stay positive, and be able to take feedback, and not get discouraged about our work. It teaches us not to be like Mean Margaret, who doesn't use kind words when giving feedback, Picky Patty, who is very negative, and Whatever William, who clearly doesn't care about his work or grade. It's good to have a learning community!


  1. Hi Erica! I agree with you, it is very good to have a learning community to help us develop as educators. I don't know if I agree with the statement that we need to learn from our peers because they are our age(s), though. I think we should participate in peer editing because we are more likely to take advice from someone our age than a teacher that we may or may not like. It's also good because it's an extra set of eyes on our paper, therefore mistakes are less likely to slip through the cracks. Overall I think you did a good job on this post! Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  2. Hi Erica! I found your sentence "As educators we must follow the proper guidelines to effectively edit our peers" to be interesting. Using proper guidelines helps the person who has their paper edited understand what they did wrong in a paper. If I am peer editing someone's paper and all I am doing is making marks on their paper, then they won't have a clue what to correct. Also, you made some very good points in why is it important to provide meaningful feedback. The one that stood out the most to me is we as future educators will have to write, grade, and edit our students work. That is the main reason why it is important to learn how to peer edit and write thoughtful papers now. Good Job!

    Shakeya Andrews

  3. Hi Erica! I agree with you we should definitely learn from our peers. By experience we receive feedback better from our own age group because we are more willing to listen to their feedback. I had one adult who was not very happy when I was making comments on his page and basically told me "That he was older than me, so he can not assume I know what I am doing".
